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Breaking News: EventMAP helps Channel 4 increase advertising revenue whilst maintaining equitable airtime between advertisers

EventMAP is pleased to announce that it has successfully deployed its ground-breaking scheduling software in partnership with Channel 4.

September 8, 2020

EventMAP is pleased to announce that it has successfully deployed its ground-breaking scheduling software in partnership with Channel 4 (C4).

All commercial television and radio advertising organisations have the same conundrum. How do you schedule great advertising content, whilst at the same time ensuring they adhere to a fair and equitable distribution of airtime for their clients? This can often prove to be a laborious process for advertising planners, as they endeavour to balance the sometimes-competing values of fairness, along with maximising revenue.

Deploying advanced scheduling algorithms from the OPTIME Platform, EventMAP staff have worked with an internal C4 team in the development of a software application that helps deliver an optimal advertising schedule while ensuring equitability. In turn this allows realisation of increased profitability in this important revenue stream.

For more information check out our case study here, or if you would like to discuss how we can help your organisation, please contact us.

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