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Student Recruitment
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Optime Prospect, a comprehensive, user friendly, administration solution for use in the recruitment of students

Bring all of your student data and processing into one place, for students and agents alike. Prospect provides administrators with the tools needed to manage and track the application progress.

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Complete student recruitment management workflow

From initial information capture, through to review and internal referral by academic colleagues as part of the selection process, to subsequent offer, Optime Prospect will smooth the process.

Prospect workflow
Prospect edit

Keep track of the whole recruitment process

Prospect has built in workflows for:

  • Initial student enquiries
  • Record keeping
  • Application reviews
  • Final letters of offer

Put Prospect to work, with flexible user-access

Allow internal stakeholders, and external candidates or agents relevant access to allow them to interact with your institution and begin the application process. Prospect ensures an easier and more secure recruitment process.

Prospect application
Prospect upload

Easing the data collection process

Online Application/Registration of Interest
A straightforward application/registration of interest form allowing the applicant to begin their registration process.

Document Uploads
Allow applications to upload supporting documentation for review.

Application Tracking
Track the progress of applications and ensure that no steps are overlooked.Including a report detailing an overview of applications received.

Cloud sync, up-to-date access for everyone

Prospect's cloud-based platform provides convenient access and real time information for applicants, agents and staff, with cloud-based document management.

Prospect cloud sync
Prospect data

Export and analyse your data

Full access to retrieve data is essential to enable a quick and easy on-boarding process and real-time integration with multiple software systems. There is also built in reporting to bring further meaning to your data.

The Optime Support Centre is your portal to gain fast technical assistance from our team. You also have access to our self-help knowledge base covering topics such as getting started and FAQs.

Placement office
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Prospect has completely changed how we process applications from both students and agents alike.

Cliona Campbell
Director of International Affairs, TUS
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Optimse student recruitment