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Activity Scheduling & Management
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Optime Timetabler, a complete and automated course scheduling management solution

Achieve fast, flexible and accurate timetabling solutions with Timetabler, our advanced auto-scheduling solution for learning environments.

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Satisfying, uncomplicated timetabling

Surveys show timetable quality to be a key ingredient of student and stakeholder satisfaction. Similarly lack of trust in the accuracy of the timetable can diminish reliance on what the timetable says. Timetabler provides a flexible intuitive interface making maintenance and publishing of robust schedules uncomplicated.

Timetabler create event
Timetabler auto scheduler

Automated scheduling that works

Timetabler’s cutting-edge AI-based scheduling engine helps you achieve fast, flexible and accurate timetabling solutions. Configure the auto-scheduler with your parameter constraints, such as rooms and staff required. Then let the auto-scheduler review your data to find a number of workable scheduling options.

Decision support

Continual scheduling solution assistance:

Current Status
Timetabler highlights any clashes and constraint violations in your live schedule (including rooms, staff, groups, students, courses and modules).

Violation Alert
Users will be alerted if they attempt to introduce an event with a clash or constraint violation.

Timetabler provides advice in finding suitable times, rooms and staff when creating or editing events.

Timetabler decision support
Timetabler collaborate

Collaborative planning to publishing and maintenance workflows

Timetabler supports the full scheduling process from rolling over existing timetables or starting from scratch. Draft publishing is supported and can be shared with different stakeholders across multiple locations. Feedback is gathered via a built in surveying process. Once approved and published, later edits are also made possible and simple.

Students and stakeholders perfectly in sync

Timetabler’s cloud based platform provides convenient access and up-to-date information for students. Students can turn on notifications for upcoming bookings and teaching events, they will also be notified of any event changes. Synchronisation with Google, Outlook, Canvas and other calendar applications is also available.

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Timetabler data

Import, export and analyse your data

Full access to add, update and retrieve data is essential to enable a quick and easy on-boarding process and real-time integration with multiple software systems. The system includes full validation to ensure your data is complete, accurate and ready for scheduling. There is also built in reporting to bring further meaning to your data.

The Optime Support Centre is your portal to gain fast technical assistance from our team. You also have access to our self-help knowledge base covering topics such as getting started and FAQs.

Use case examples
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University and College Courses

Use Timetabler to manage university/college term or semester-based courses with repeating week patterns and consistent resource requirements. As well as other forms of schedules, including short-term, intensive vocational courses or managing fluid delivery for short-notice programmes.

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Training Courses

Timetabler is used to schedule and manage training courses of all types, including the allocation of trainers and their contractual working hours, skills and location-based limitations. This includes full reporting for registers, non-attendance and progression.

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Student Rotations

Scheduling of short-term, intensive and fluid rotation-based activities such as Clinical students on site at medical centers. Includes flexibility for handling 24-hour spans and dynamic management of activities based on quickly changing scenarios such as emergencies.

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Enrolment Bookings

From automatic and manual scheduling for "break-out" groups for university/college cohorts, to self-enrolment of candidates onto training events, assessments (online or physical) or one-off speaking events. Includes options for payments, document management and ticketing.

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The flexibility offered by Timetabler and Exam has enabled us to improve our student experience in that area.

Anne Miller
Registrar, University of Buckingham
Success Story
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Optimise your scheduling
and timetable management