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EventMAP attending the GESS EdTech Virtual Summit, Dubai – 24th & 25th November 2020

November 24, 2020

EventMAP are attending the 2 day GESS EdTech Virtual Summit Dubai conference on the 24th& 25th November. Through live and pre-recorded sessions, centred around the concept of sharing knowledge and best practice, this is a great opportunity for educators and educational leaders in the Middle East to survey the latest innovations and techniques open to them in the delivery of their services to students, university and college staff, and others in the training sphere.

This is our first ever opportunity to attend a virtual event of this type, and we are very excited to be taking part. We are participating in this event with the assistance of InvestNI.

Invest NI is a regional business development agency devoted to growing the local economy of Northern Ireland.  They achieve this by helping new and existing businesses to compete internationally, and by attracting new investment to Northern Ireland. They are part of the Department for the Economy and provide strong government support for business by effectively delivering the Government’s economic development strategies for the province. At EventMAP we have had a long association with Invest NI, and are grateful for the continued assistance they offer.

Why not register and come and visit us at the GESS EdTech Virtual Summit? We would love to meet with you and discuss your academic timetabling and resource scheduling needs. Look for EventMAP and click ‘request a meeting’ or ‘show interest’.

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