Room Booking and Timetabling for Oxford University

Room Booking and Timetabling for Oxford University
Oxford University
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EventMAP has helped Oxford University’s Department of Engineering Science take full control of their room booking and timetable scheduling processes.

Needing no introduction, Oxford University is one of the world’s oldest seats of learning and their Times Higher-topping Department of Engineering Science has an international reputation for research in all major branches of engineering.

The Challenge

The department required a leading-edge room booking and timetabling solution that facilitated the needs of staff and students to efficiently book space, access personalised timetables and schedule the academic curriculum. There was also a requirement to fully integrate with the department’s existing systems.

The Solution

After a solution review process, our timetabling and room booking packages were chosen as the solution that most closely met the needs of their students, staff and academics in offering an enhanced platform to all stakeholders and allowing users to access specially targeted information, including personalised timetables and schedules.

As a complete planning and modelling environment, our software provide the department with the power to automate, optimise and measure the quality and management of every aspect of their course delivery. The environment is designed to easily integrate with existing systems to make information storage and sharing fast and efficient.

Management of existing, complex timetabling rules

Unlike their previous solution, all aspects of timetable resource, planning and management are now fully integrated within a user-friendly, multi-user environment – including lecture and room timetabling, non-curricular event scheduling, constraint modelling and reporting, and scenario planning.

Improved asset management and utilisation

The solution now provides schedule viewing and self-service room-booking facilities, and is currently being used by staff to get real-time updates.

The Results

Feedback and monitoring are ongoing between EventMAP and the University of Oxford.

Improved quality of timetables

EVENT’s autoscheduling has now enabled the department to both substantially improve the quality of their timetables for students, and reduce timetable preparation times.

Enhanced transparency and convenience when booking

The department have found that having the ability to book specific resources for physical spaces has improved asset management and utilisation, and greatly increased convenience for staff.

An improvement in space management

The new system has introduced significantly more flexibility, which will, over time, increase room utilisation rates. Overall, the ability to book ad hoc teaching and meeting spaces across multiple sites has enabled an improvement in space management within the department.

Data to enhance decision-making

The scenario planning and modelling tools have enabled the department to better understand the impact of proposed future departmental changes – using hard data to enhance decision-making.

Automate, optimise and measure

Scenario planning and modelling tools have enabled the department to better understand the impact of proposed future departmental changes – with the ability to use hard data to enhance decision-making.

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EventMAP's timetabling software has helped Oxford University's Department of Engineering to improve the quality of our timetables and book rooms more effectively.

Nathan Jones
Digital Development and Web Officer, Department Of Engineering Science, Oxford University
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